Insights es una poesía en ingles corta para niños que habla sobre el autismo escrita por Tere Acosta, sugerida para niños de todas las edades.
See the way I see
hear the way I hear
smell the way I smell
think the way I think
feel the way I feel
If you look inside of me
if you knew the way
my senses perceive the world
then you´ll get to know me
then you´ll understand me
not judge me
for what Ido
for what Iam
for how I am
And still a human being
fighting to fit in
starving for acceptance
not compassion
on my own terms
in your world
also my world
as a human being
as yourself
as my own self
The end
Poetry about autism
Insights es una poesía en ingles corta para niños que habla sobre el autismo escrita por Tere Acosta, sugerida para niños de todas las edades.