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There's a Light on December that brights up everyone`s faces.
There's a Light in the stars that will heal all broken hearts.
There's a Light shining upon children spreading dreams of innocence.
Is the Light of Christmas night.
The mighty Light of our saviour who is the spark of love and hope around the world.
There're lights on every Christmas tree, to remind us to be happy, childish and free.
There's a light on every smile so we may never forget how to be kind.
Is the light of Christmas morning that bring us joy and the hope of brighter, better days to come.
So light a candle for every person you love.
Light it with a smile, and light it with hope.
Say a little prayer for everything you are.
And say a little prayer for every dream to come.
And under all lights on Christmas time
Do no forget to be thankful, and do not forget to wish everyone a merry Christmas eve.

The end
Elizabeth Segoviano © copyright 2014 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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